ICAT 2021

Research ​Track – Call for Papers

ICAT 2021 invites high-quality submissions in different areas in the field of ICT. The research papers must describe novel and original work that pushes the state-of-the-art. Case studies and empirical research papers are also welcome. 

Topics of interest include but are not limited to ICAT Topics.

We strongly recommend to present your submissions in the section structure as follows (IMRaD):


Important Dates


We encourage users to use Springer’s proceedings template for LaTeX in Overleaf.

Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be rejected without review.

Papers that have a strong industrial/practical component and focus more on impact (technical) rather than novelty are encouraged to consider the industry track instead.

Papers must be submitted through the conference EasyChair submission site in PDF format. 


At least three program committee members will evaluate submissions. The evaluation will focus on the novelty, originality, importance to the field, proper use of research methods, and presentation of the submissions. We strongly encourage authors to make available all data and software they use in their work, in order to allow for verification and replication of their results. Moreover, all submissions will be screened by using iThenticate to avoid any plagiarism case.

Post Conference Publication and Indexing

Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences

The journal is abstracted or indexed in Scopus, SCImago (Q2).

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology

The journal is abstracted or indexed in Scopus, SCImago (Q2), and INSPEC.

ICAT 2021 – Research Track proceedings will be published in Springer with Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series and submitted for indexing to DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus, and ISI Proceedings.

Special Issue

Authors of selected papers from ICAT 2021 – Research Track will be invited to extend and revise their papers for submission to the special issue of Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics and International Journal of Engineering and Technology.

Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics

The journal is abstracted or indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI), Engineering Index (EI), Journal Citation Ranking – JCR (Q4), Scopus, SCImago (Q3), IEEE Xplore, INSPEC, Cambridge Science Abstract (CSA), Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), China Science and Technology Core Journals, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Wanfang Data Information Site.


The ICAT 2021 official language is English. However, authors may present their papers in Spanish.

If authors are unable to attend the conference and present their papers, they should contact the program chair so that a substitute arrangement can be done, e.g., virtual presentation.

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